Our Subscriptions

Caring for Families, Building Healthier Communities at your doorstep

Harmonize Health with Drome Subscriptions Plans

Drome’s health subscriptions are not merely about medical assistance, but a partnership, a pact signed on the parchment of shared dreams. It’s the echo of your commitment to health reverberating through the valleys of tomorrow, the beacon guiding your path in the pursuit of wellness.


The Health Odyssey - For Families

Bronze Membership

₹ 999


30% Discount for families upto 6 members

Clinic Consultations

Online Consultations


₹ 1,499


40% Discount for families upto 6 members

Clinic Consultations

Online Consultations

Your family, your universe. We comprehend the distinct dynamics of every family, their unique bonds, and collective dreams. Our plan for families seeks to safeguard this precious universe, to ensure your dreams.

Why Drome Subscriptions?

Every life is a poem, every heartbeat a note in a symphony. We, at Drome, are here to ensure that this symphony continues to play its enchanting melody with pur long time commitments to cover you and your families health with our health plans.

The Golden Tapestry - For Senior Citizens

Age is not a number, but a tapestry of golden memories, wisdom, and love. The Golden Tapestry healthcare package cherishes and supports those in the autumn of their lives, ensuring their health never fades with the setting sun.


₹ 9999


50% Discount for One Senior Citizen

Home visit Consultations

Clinic Consultations

Online Consultations

Platinum Membership

₹ 14,999


50% Discount for Two Senior Citizens

Home visit Consultations

Clinic Consultations

Online Consultations

Plan with Us

Healthcare is not merely about the absence of disease; it’s about nurturing a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being. That’s why our packages aren’t just healthcare plans, but your partners in wellness, your allies in life, your beacon on the journey of health.